Friday 5 April 2013

Online Tutoring - Tips to Memorize Organic Chemistry

Often students learning Organic Chemistry spend time memorizing functional groups, nomenclature, reactions, vocabulary, trends but often get thrown out of the loop when they find a slightly different functional group involved in a chemical reaction. What steps should be taken towards conceptual memorizing and not just cramming.

Getting abbreviations and acronyms gives you ability to at least identify and understand how things work. Just have a list of common acronyms and abbreviations with functions as ready reckon. Memorizing terminologies will save your time understanding reactions properly.

Getting the vocabulary terms from the textbooks will not make you wonder while you hear the conversation between organic chemists. If you feel hard times digesting the language then make use of online tools to find out nomenclature.

Getting the name and structure of various functional groups may be difficult job initially; however, it is the first step towards pacing your capabilities to learn organic chemistry. Almost all reactions that you undergo will have some kind of internal conversion of functional groups.

The techniques used in memorization can quickly lay down the foundation of structural knowledge and vocabulary, giving you more time to give focused attention on learning and applying concepts. Use your time effectively to learn concepts of organic chemistry, work on problems to strengthen your understanding and practice more to get confidence and speed while taking test. A very generic pattern of memorization is speaking louder and writing stuff that is learnt by heart will give you better results than quiet reading to yourself.

Like Chemistry tutoring, Physics tutoring, Math tutoring and learning Organic Chemistry is like fun with online tutoring. The little difference is Math tutors help problem solving equations while Chemistry tutors help solving chemical reactions.

1 comment:

  1. It is truly helpful to have a tutor for this subject. Kids who go to a tutoring service often perform better in school and they can easily understand the subject well. I think going to pre-k tutoring will help a student prepare for this kind of subject.
